Monday, February 9, 2009

Please UPDATE your BLOG


Dear all students, I have visited your blogs and i found some of you still do not update the blogs. The last date to update your blog is 18/2/2009. After that, no mark will be given...

Keep updating your blog.


Monday, December 15, 2008


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Dear all my students,
I am sorry because I can't be with you today. I need to attend a workshop in IIUM Gombak. However, learning is beyond boundaries and we can still learn online.

So, for today (16/12/2008) what you need to do are:
1- Go to this website
2- Click at Exercise 1 and download the file.
3- Discuss in your group the exercise.
4- After completing the exercise write in your blog what do you get from that exercise.
5- Before you leave the lab, please shut down the computer.

See you on Thursday

P/s: Shafiq, please make sure the airconditioner is switch off, lock the door and give the key back to ITD officer. TQ.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Reflection on what you have learned today

Congratulation!, now you know how to create a blog. Please do not hesitate do visit your friends' blogs. Give comment and suggestion to improve their blogs.

Now please answer these questions:
1- How blogging will help you to understand Arabic language?
2- What are your suggestions towards the improvement of learning Arabic language through blogging?

Happy blogging,

Welcome to blogging session

Welcome to blogging session. Now you are going to create your own blog. Go now to