Monday, November 24, 2008

Reflection on what you have learned today

Congratulation!, now you know how to create a blog. Please do not hesitate do visit your friends' blogs. Give comment and suggestion to improve their blogs.

Now please answer these questions:
1- How blogging will help you to understand Arabic language?
2- What are your suggestions towards the improvement of learning Arabic language through blogging?

Happy blogging,


zary yang kamu kenal said...

xmembosankan..xngantok dalam class...rase nk blaja lg mendalam tentang arab menerusi dis blog...suggestions?hmm...blaja dalam group,n xslalu dalam class..bru best..huuhu

powjan said...
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AiNuL said...

by sharing our extra knowledge with our friends ,or by asking friends at whatever time without disturbing them..

syedah said...

dpt berbincang diluar classs..
xla ngtok...

powjan said...

lupe nak bg suggestions...
saya suggest kite buat klas arab tiap2 kali kat computer lab...

MaxMarzuq--イムラン said...

well,i think by learning arabic using blog will be really good,as now we can learn arabic anytime,anywhere(as long as the internet exist).
it is also more fun because in blog,there will be many colourful profile,which will attract student to go to there.
last but not least,it will also make student easier to study arabic,as they can search in the internet about arabic language,meanings and etc.

My suggestions is maybe to spread the blog to all people,so that many people will be interestd to join,and we can learn arabic togther!!!

ixzat said...

1- How blogging will help you to understand Arabic language?

Ans: aaaa...xdela boring sgt blaja...bes2...and the answer is yeshh..blogging help to understand arbic lnguage...sbb blj arab ni kne ade rse bes..bru leh blaja..klo dok lepak lam klas je mnjang xbes gak..O>o

2- What are your suggestions towards the improvement of learning Arabic language through blogging?

Ans: suggestions?umm...ummmmmmmm....buat latihan scare online kt blog..:D bes...

shafiq_blur90 said...

pelajaran hari ini banyak memberi pengetahuan baru kepada saya sebagai remaja...
pengetahuan tentang membuat blog dan pengubahsuaian blog....
blog amat berguna untuk kita meng'express'diri kita....
blog mesti diguna dngan baek tanpa salah guna...
sehinggakan ilmu juga boleh didapati melalui blog...
sepertimana yg dilakukan oleh ustaz azrul sendiri...

muhamad norshafiq b.ismail

Anonymous said...

1. ustaz dpt bg komen tiap2 msa...
sng nk bhubung dgn ustaz...

2. sgala bhan2 untuk memahami dpt dbrikan malaui blog...
tidak semestinya dlm kelas...dan konklusi pelajaran pada hari itu...


Hiromi Ichiban said...

1)as a student, it seem dat i wud pass arabic test......
2)i'll send u the answer tmoRRoW.......

heavensign90 said...

1.Today i learn a new thing about blogging. Firstly,with blogging we can learn arabic language through online.This is easy where we can save time,and energy.Thus we can learn anytime when we online from blog.
2.Secondly,my suggestions is to create a question about arabic every week.for example,Ustaz Azrul can give 3 question for a week.through this we can study together and discuss through online.

shHhhh...!!!!....jGn kAcO LeY..... said...

blogging really help us in sharing arabic knowledge...hehehe
blogging is the new style of learning arabic....
what a great idea!!!!!!

Mohd Safrin bin A Razak

Mohd Shukri said...

1) better medium for learning arabic language with stress-free environment

2) using computer more to improve understanding

hinata said...

1-tak boring sgt.dok dlm klas ngantuk.
2-cadangan... chating ikut arab, bncang ngan member dlm blog, tngok citer arab.

Ayeng said...

I have learn a new thing today.. sincerely i said that, this is my first time i 'play' this.. before this, i never care about all this things such as myspace or friendster.. i just used internet jusy to search information only.. but now, i can use my new knowledge as good as i can.. here i want to say a million thanksss to ust. azrul because has exposed me to this......

Hasif said...
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Mhn5 said...

Blogging creates a totally different environment towards learning the Arabic language and i have to say that it could be the start of something new and making the student to finally fully understand the language furthermore by interacting on9 with others and discuss about lesson that have been learned in class and so on . I would also like everyone to help each other to improve learning through blogging . Syukran

eM-mEaNn said...

1)xde yg sebest ni..memg satu tknik pmblajarn yg bru yg dpt m'ngelakkn drp tdo dlm klas & borink.Slain e2,bley tnye solan yg sgan nak tnye dlam klas..

2)bio rmi2 join blog cam ni spaya sume org ley blaja arab jgak.majula blog untuk mse dpan!!

Hasif said...

well, its new way of learning arabic. its fun! maybe others should try it as well. haha. learning arabic needs creativity and one of it is this, using a blog. learning a new language is not hard, its just different. to ,ustaz azrul, thank you very much for introducing me this way of learning. i hope i could get a better understanding in arabic.

using a blog, most information could be spread easily and faster. anything could be share here. thus, it is very convinient

my suggestion? well, make one arabic vocab in our class blog

zul4bros said...

this is another way to learn arabic...its diffrent but quite is also nice to learn something new for a chance.maybe by using this method learning arabic might be easier.can also discuss online

ustaz azrul can give us some question and learn more vocab

@riF @drifT said...

trime kasih ustaz azrul krne telah m'ctuskn idea bru utk bllaja arabic lnguage m'lalui blog... m'lalui cre ne kte dpt b'kongsi mklumat dgn kwn2 kte & blaja bnde bru..
cdgn?sy m'cdgkn agr clas arb wat kt cne s'mngu skali & fokus utk blaja tatabhse dlm bhse arab